Who are you...
6:41 AM
Moi Sanom
6:41 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Pete Knight and I am currently studying my second year of my Art Degree.
What's the origin of your artist name?
My hitRECord name is just my initials, I noticed that they almost spell something amusing so I decided to go with that.
What has been your biggest challenge with your art so far?
Learning to do it again really. I went through a really dark patch in my life for almost 5 years and I had practically given up doing any artwork. I lost my job, had to move back home out of my own place and was generally not doing anything, then one day I picked up a pencil and my sketchbook and just drew, soon after that I decided go back into study and see what happened.
Who or what is your biggest influence?
Difficult to say really, I’ve got so many influences and inspirations from a wide variety of areas. People like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, John Carpenter, Stan Winston, Steven Spielberg… people involved in story-telling, they’ve helped me escape and have inspired me to try to do the same for others.
What is your wildest story?
Hmm… I don’t know what to say here, I don’t know who’ll read this. I have quite a few with varying levels of depravity/wildness… I may have to be a spoil sport and leave this blank hehehe.

What is the last book you read?
The last book I read was the complete Preacher saga by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, I’m currently reading The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks.
If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be?
I’d have to say either a member of the Green Lantern Corps. I love the whole mythology of it and the fact that their power is based on creativity and will power.
What couldn’t you live without?
Well I’m going to assume that the token answer of “My friends and family” is excluded here because that’s kind of obvious, so saying that I’d probably go with my ipod, it’s a life-saving device in times of great stress and anxiety.
What is your secret talent?
I’m fantastic at losing things!
Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
OK, this is a pretty weird one, I dreamt I was married to a Dutch girl (I have no idea how I knew she was Dutch, I just did, it was one of those weird moments of unexplainable dream knowledge) and she wouldn’t wear clothes, I was getting really embarrassed for her and a little annoyed because it was becoming a problem. That was it really, it was more like a scene from a film rather than a whole dream, there was no development, just me getting embarrassed by my naked Dutch wife!

What are you craving right now?
Some noodles would be awesome.
What was the last song you fell in love with?
Love Letter by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. It’s one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard in my life or You Rascal You by Hanni El Khatib, it’s just got a really awesome swagger and cockiness to it.
Can you hula hoop?
What do you like?
The laughter of my friends and family, cheesy answer but it’s the truth.
What do you dislike?
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Beer before wine, makes you feel fine. Wine before beer, makes you feel queer. (I don’t mean queer in a homophobic way)
How and why did you start RECording?
I started it when I saw a link on JGL’s twitter page, thought I’d check it out, looked like a really awesome idea and a great place to collaborate on work or to just see others work and absorb some inspiration, haven’t looked back since, it’s been great.

You can find more from Pete Knight here on HitRECord.
Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?
1:00 PM
Moi Sanom
1:00 PM Moi Sanom 2 Comments

directed by Christopher Nolan
starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Michael Caine
I know there has been a lot of buzz around Inception for the past month or so, and it gets boring to read about it after a while. But this is no stupid trend kind of a phenomenon. Inception is truly a great film, and I’m actually surprised that so many people liked it. For many reasons I think it is one of the best films I have seen this year and since I’m not actually trying to review it, I just want to tell all of you Inception skeptics, and all of you that haven’t gotten around of watching it yet: Go watch Inception! It’s awesome!

Mind extractions
4:44 AM
Moi Sanom
I was standing in the middle of the crowd. They were all moving like one being, shifting and pulsating. But me, I was just standing there confused and out of place. And then I saw it. My fantasy was standing there in the corner across the room. It had just the right colors, shape and vibe as I had imagined it so many times before. Along the outlines there was a faint shimmer, just to show me how special it was. I didn’t dare move in fear it would disappear when the moment passed by.4:44 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments
Seconds passed.
Minutes passed.
I had to do something. If I didn’t maybe I would never see it again. I started fighting my way through the crowd. I didn’t remember it being so difficult to pass when I entered it, it felt almost as if they didn’t want me to reach it. As I came closer, everything started to change. The moisture in the air dropped, I felt a slight breeze around me and my skin started to burn just like it does when you stand in the sun on a hot summer day, it didn’t smell like sweaty bodies any more but more sweet and spicy like a faded memory. Suddenly, I heard a very subtle melody somewhere in the background, and the closer I came, the clearer I heard it. I noticed it sounded just like that combination of tones I always had in the back of my mind, the ones I loved so much, but could never find the song they belonged to. I was there now. I felt like I reached the end of the yellow brick road.
I didn’t know what to do. I felt good just being there and looking at it. Couldn’t I just stand here forever in rapture? But I knew that if I went just a millimeter further my life would change forever and if I would stay there I would always wonder, what if… I was pondering on my possibilities and asking myself if I could dare take the last step? Am I strong enough to risk it all for the unknown? I didn’t know, but after having felt this bliss just being so close to it I couldn’t stand the thought of ever going back into that crowd. I closed my eyes, inhaled deep and concentrated feeling all the sweetness that was surrounding me. Raising my foot I hesitated for a moment, a very short moment, and entered...
If you enjoyed this you should listen to Chigwinkle's wonderful reading of Mind Extractions
Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?
12:24 PM
Moi Sanom
12:24 PM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

Directed by Max Mayer
Starring: Hugh Dancy, Rose Byrne, Peter Gallagher
I don’t really know what I could write about this film that would do it justice.
Not because it was so amazing. It was just very nice. It gave me a good feeling.
I think anybody that watches it would feel different about Adam. It’s one of those films that aren’t particularly sad, dramatic, funny or witty but I would still recommend. It sounds a little strange saying it like this but I guess you would understand after having watched it.

Morgan M. Morgansen's Date with Destiny
4:39 AM
Moi Sanom
4:39 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments
Check out more at http://hitrecord.org/reel
Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?
1:14 PM
Moi Sanom
1:14 PM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

7 Faces of Dr. Lao
Directed by George Pal
Starring Tony Randall and Barbara Eden
He is a philosophical acrobat.
A giant snake that mirrors your deepest evil.
A seer of all things.
A half goat that frees your buried joys.
A woman who can turn you into stone.
A mythical creature from the Himalayas.
The greatest magician of all times.
Get to know the 7 faces of Dr. Lao…

Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?
4:56 AM
Moi Sanom
4:56 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

Directed by Fernando Meirelles
Starring: Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Gael Garcia Bernal, Danny Glover, Sandra Oh
This is not your usual catastrophe movie, if you can even call it that.
But I guess it would be in its genre since it’s about an epidemic, a blindness epidemic to be precise.

But the movie is also artsy and has a strange and very different plot to the usual movies of its kind. It is also quite shocking and has a roughness to it that is not expected when starting to watch the film.
And what I always think when I see them is: when the world is going under or you’re all alone on this planet, go somewhere south and live on the country side you’ll have it easier there!
Oh and by the way I didn’t really get the ending, can anyone explain?

Who are you...
6:11 AM
Moi Sanom
6:11 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Laura Michele and I own cheekyjezebel.com where I sell handmade jewelry and accessories featuring my artwork.
What's the origin of your artist name?
Cheeky Jezebel kind of got thrown together one day and I liked how it sounded so it stuck. I remember I was calling people cheeky a lot at the time lol! Like if they would say something sarcastic or shocking I’d just yell “cheeky” and act like I was scandalized. It was all in good fun! Jezebel I just find to be a really beautiful name even though after I chose it I found out it sometimes has negative connotations. I find it lovely though no matter what its reputation.
What has been your biggest challenge with your art so far?
Just having the confidence to put myself and my art out there. It was extremely hard at first. You want everyone to like you and like your work, but that’s unrealistic. You have to do it for yourself. When people are fueled by fear, worry, etc. it’s hard to accomplish things. When they are fueled by passion and a love of what they do then the possibilities are endless.
Who or what is your biggest influence?
I’m influenced by so many things. I can see the most random things or be in the most random places and suddenly I’m inspired to create a new piece. My style is the alternative/indie style and always has been. In high school I was kind of a skater chick even though I was horrible at skating and BMX, but I tried! Now if I had to describe my style I guess I’d just say I have more of a rocker chick style, so that’s what I enjoy designing for.

What is your wildest story?
My main group of friends are totally outgoing and spontaneous so we have some crazy times. The most recent story was this past week. One of my girls and I went to an outdoor bar on the water and within the first fifteen minutes of being there I fell down the stairs and got bit on the face by a mosquito so I had a cut on my knee and my cheek was swollen! You just have to laugh at yourself! Thank goodness I don’t get embarrassed easily anymore because I’m not the most graceful person so I’ve gotten used to doing clumsy things in of people.
What is the last book you read?
I haven’t been reading much lately which is horrible but I was last reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I love zombies because they are one of the few things that really creep me out.
If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be?
Good question! This is a hard one. I would probably have to say Sookie from the Southern Vampire Novels by Charlaine Harris. Those are the books that the show True Blood is based off of but I’ve never seen an episode (sorry True Blood fans!). I’ve been reading the books for years, well before the show came out, and I absolutely love them. I like Sookie’s character because her life is never dull, she’s tough and stands up for what she believes in, has a cool gift (reading minds), and as an added bonus she’s constantly surrounded by handsome men lol!

What couldn’t you live without?
The people I love which is a common answer but so very true. I also couldn’t live without my dog Jake, being able to express myself creatively, and the random adventures I have with my friends.
What is your secret talent?
I suppose the first thing that comes to mind is that I can still do a cartwheel. I just learned this last week when I modeled for a photo shoot and the photographer was trying to capture me mid cartwheel. Doing cartwheels isn’t a super original talent but I’m still pretty proud that I haven’t lost it!
Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
I was in some sort of cafeteria and there were werewolves everywhere attacking people and turning them into werewolves as well. I was trying to save my friends and got scratched by one. I rushed my friends into a car but felt dizzy. I started to worry that maybe just by being scratched by a werewolf could cause you to become one… and then I woke up! I have some very detailed and strange dreams lol!

What are you craving right now?
Smores! I’ve been craving these for the past few weeks! All the ingredients are at my boyfriend’s house and we are just waiting for the perfect night to make them! I plan on having 7 ½ of them. I think that amount should satisfy me :)
What was the last song you fell in love with?
There are two of them! The first song I’ve fallen in love with recently is “Brand New Day” by Ryan Star. It’s about a boy and a girl running away together. The second song is “Lions” by The Features. It’s the type of song that makes me want to dance whenever I hear it.
Can you hula hoop?
Sadly I cannot. I used to be able to as a kid and now every time I see a hula hoop in a store I have to try… I think I’m getting better but I still wouldn’t say that’s a skill of mine.
What do you like?
Animals, cute things, nacho cheese, being outdoors, creativity, cartoons, and random acts of kindness.

What do you dislike?
When I need to sneeze and can’t, black licorice jelly beans, mean people, fur when it isn’t on the animal, the color “pea soup green”, annoying songs getting stuck in my head, and when I really miss someone who I know I won’t see for awhile.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
“A lot can happen in a day.” One of my best friends threw that at me when I really needed it. When I’m stressed or having a bad week I think of how quickly things can turn around. It can be very motivating to think of how much I can change things in just a month, week, even in one day if I just focus and push myself. Anyone can change something in their life, or even their entire life, just within the second it takes to make the decision to do so. There is a quote by Maria Robinson that says it better than I can. “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
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Hello there! I was once known as Moi Sanom, someone who loved writing about movies and skincare.
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