Neulii Teatree BHA Blemish Control Serum review

11:37 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

Neulii Teatree BHA Blemish Control Serum

It is quite exciting when one of your favorite Korean stores you have been shopping at for years all of a sudden release their own line of skincare! And this is exactly what happened with Roseroseshop. A few months ago they announced their new line of serums which I was lucky enough to get to try. I have tested the snail and the tea tree serum but today I will just talk about the tea tree one.
Unlike what some people might think this is not an exfoliating type serum. The BHA content is used for its anti-inflammatory properties to soothe spots and damaged skin. Together with the tea tree extracts, panthenol and allantoin this serum is meant both tho fight the spots and also soothe the skin at the same time.  

I didn't have any spots at the time but I still wanted to test the serum to see how it reacts with my dry skin. I am happy to say that it didn't dry my skin out. It didn't really give me any moisture but it is not meant to do so. I did also feel the soothing properties but I did not get any miraculous results either (Which ones anyway?).  Then I gave this serum to Johnny since his skin was being a little irritated at the time. He was also getting 1-2 new spots every other day and thus the opportunity to test the serum was perfect. One thing that I noticed immediately is that it didn't irritate his sensitive skin. That is always a huge plus in my book (if it would irritate his skin he wouldn't use the product anymore of course!) since his skin is even more fickle than mine and one never knows how it reacts. The next thing I noticed is that he did indeed get fewer spots. The ones he had looked less inflamed and smaller and the ones he might have gotten seem to have fled before even setting up shop on his face. After a few weeks, his spot count went down to only about one to two a week. I think the reason he even got any at all was the fact that the moisturizer wasn't entirely suitable for his skin. But he stopped using it and we shall see.

Neulii Teatree BHA Blemish Control Serum  swatch

So basically if you do have spots this serum will likely help you to either diminish them or soothe the ones you have to become less visible. If you have no pimples the snail serum is better suited for you and I will talk about how that went for me next time.
I am definitely happy with the results I saw in Johnny's skin and together with the paired down ingredients list it is a product that I might get him again. The bottle actually lasts forever though so he might still have enough serum for the next four to five months!

Ph: 4.2

Available at Roseroseshop

Available at Jolse

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