Dear Packer Royal BlackTea & Black Rose Mask review

10:43 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

Dear Packer Royal BlackTea & Black Rose Mask review

I am not the biggest wash off mask fan (because I am lazy and I avoid water) but I still have one in rotation since I religiously use it when I shower (reasons here). So when I was offered to try this mask a few months ago I said yes since 
A: I was low on my regular shower mask, and B: the packaging is incredible, just look at it.
Yeah, I know sometimes I can’t say no to pretty packaging either.
Luckily, that has worked out quite well for me so far.

Dear Packer Royal BlackTea & Black Rose Mask review

The first thing I noticed (besides the pretty box!) was the interesting smell of vintage cola candy. I am not sure why some Korean skincare smells like coke candy but it really does. This one is definitely the product that smells the most like it. Fortunately it isn't very strong or overpowering when wearing the mask.
The consistency is pleasantly gel like. It is refreshing on the skin and thick enough to stay put where you apply it.
It has tiny little specks in it that represent tea leaves that just add to its pretty look.

Dear Packer Royal BlackTea & Black Rose Mask review

I have used this mask two ways, one as a sleeping pack and the other as the intended wash off mask.
To use it as a sleeping pack I simply applied a small quantity to my face, let it dry somewhat and slept. It was dry enough to not smear on my pillows but still formed a protective film that left my skin hydrated by the morning. The only downside to this is that you will have tiny black specks on your face, but my husband is used to weirder things than that, so I don’t really care about it.

Dear Packer Royal BlackTea & Black Rose Mask swatch

Otherwise I simply add quite a thick layer to my face and neck, let it sit 5-10 minutes and then wash it off in the shower.
The mask is easy to wash off even when applied thickly and protects my face well from the harsh, hot shower waters.
I like the way my skin looks and feels after using this mask. It feels fresh and looks smooth and glowing. It certainly somewhat diminishes some fine lines I have from dehydration.
All in all I like this mask quite a bit. I would love to try some of their other products since I saw some quite promising ones in their line up online.
I think due to its wash off nature it is suitable for any skin types since one can adjust its usage as well.

Ingredients: Here

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