Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?
1:11 PM
Moi Sanom
1:11 PM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

A Serious Man
Directed by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen
Starring: Michael Stuhlbarg, Richard Kind, Sari Wagner Lennick
I don’t know if it’s just me but I really didn’t like this film… not that its bad, it was just really boring and only about 10 minutes where actually entertaining. The weird thing is that I thought it started really good. The beginning faintly reminding me of the one from The Man who cried, a film that I love!
I don’t know, I just didn’t get it, or maybe I just don’t find it that interesting to watch an hour and a half of how everything goes wrong in a boring man’s life without conclusion or apparent point.
And if you saw it and did get it, please be so kind to explain.

My new favorite item…
1:05 PM
Moi Sanom
1:05 PM Moi Sanom 3 Comments

I found these awesome nudist sun bathing miniatures at a friend’s house a few weeks back, and they just got stuck in my brain. I decide that I love these little small scale miniature people.
My new mission is to get an army of them. Or at least have a few and to do something cool with.
So totally innocent me thought they were easy to get and wonderfully cheap.
But wrong…
The boring and ugly ones are but not the cool naked sun bathers or pretty 50s chicks with flowing skirts.
But well…
I will get them one way or another and built a wonderful imaginary world or something.
If any of you have some good tips on how to get them cheap or make them yourself, please leave a comment.

Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?
5:20 PM
Moi Sanom
5:20 PM Moi Sanom 2 Comments

The Pick-up Artist
Directed by James Toback
Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Molly Ringwald, Dennis Hopper, Harvey Keitel
First of all I’m surprised I actually watched this film after seeing its poster… not very well chosen I think, but ok.
Ugly poster or not, I did in fact enjoy the film and even laugh a little bit. I just really enjoy Robert Downey Jr, and if you’re not familiar with his …, let’s just call it disturbeness in a good way, than you should watch some of his films. He really cracks me up, and I simply like to watch him do his thing, and his roles are usually well chosen.
So yeah the plot is slightly odd and the story didn’t make so much sense, but the film will definitely entertain you.

Beautiful Blogger Award
4:05 PM
Moi Sanom
4:05 PM Moi Sanom 7 Comments

I had the amazing honor of getting the Beautiful Blogger award by fellow Etsian artist Miss Bohemia. So thanks again to you and all of you readers out there. And here are the suggested rules to follow when receiving this award...
I would love for you to follow them too :)
* Thank and link to the person that gave you the award.
* Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.
* Contact said blogs and let them know they’ve won.
* State 7 things about yourself.
I have to admit finding 15 bloggers I like wasn't that easy, since I have just started to explore the blogging world...so it did take me a little to collect them all but finally I have the list here. I hope you guys discover a new fantastic blog you'll enjoy from now on.
Miss Bohemia
Toni Din
Bethany Dirksen
House of mirth and movies
The Little Owl
Felt me up designs
Chatham girl
Something monumental
Nothing to prove
Cupcakes take the cake
Everything in between

by ikate
7 things about myself…
. I lead secret lives as random book characters I read at particular moments in time.
. I’m a nerd, but don’t tell anyone

by moestj
. I have imaginary friends that change depending on my state of mind.
.The things I love the most and couldn’t live without are books, music, food and art.
. I always cry at concerts when my favorite songs are playing…
.I’m a couch potato.
.I have a thing for old stuff and little things…

by anzya91
Which movie am I gonna watch when I have time...
4:55 AM
Moi Sanom
So believe it or not, I have not watched a film in three weeks straight….4:55 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments
I know it feels weird and I’m slightly confused but I guess I can live without movies for a short period of time. The thing with “reviewing” them is that I want to do it when I have them fresh in my memory, so I guess this week I won’t be able to post anything for you….
But maybe you can tell me which movie I am gonna watch next when I have some time…

Why recycling is awesome and what is a MacGyver crafter…
3:33 AM
Moi Sanom
3:33 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

Many people ask me "How do you do your stuff, what is it, and where do you buy it"…
Well for this week’s blog carnival organized by Bethany Dirksen I will talk a little about the materials I use.
So I’m going to be totally honest, yes I do want good quality products but I am also a strong supporter of recycling and what you could call MacGyver crafting. If you’re wondering what that is, you could say that you make stuff out of nothing or with materials and tools you have at hand that would be the closest to what you would actually need.
There are many reasons to why I work like that.
1st is of course that I just don’t like how our society developed this use once and throw away culture…
2nd I sometimes just improvise and don’t have the “proper” tools at hand
3rd I try to make things as affordable as possible.
My main material of choice is polymer clay, and since I currently live in Europe I don’t really have a choice in which brand I want/can use. And since I make mostly jewelry and accessories I have to get all the metal parts, findings, chains etc too. Those I purchase on eBay and in local craft stores.
The thing with eBay is that it’s cheap, but you very often get something else you actually imagined you would receive. So I guess you just have to try out different sellers to make sure the quality and size of the products you are ordering are the standard you expect them to be.
But I guess the conclusion is to have a good mix of affordable but good quality items, so us “normal” people can afford to buy it too. And please don’t hesitate to comment if you got some good tips about materials and stuff…

35th of May in ...
1:31 PM
Moi Sanom
1:31 PM Moi Sanom 2 Comments

I guess when you’re starting out as a starving artist trying to make it in this "oh so competitive" world, the most important thing is to have great friends and family and of course connections.
If you're like me and lack the connections, you appreciate the friends and family even more.
I just want to thank all these great supporters out there, without you guys life would be more difficult and definitely less fun.
So because of these great people mentioned above you will find 35th of may now on Sundays in the very cool Mauerpark flea market in Berlin and in the wonderfully stylish store Royal We in Jena.

Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?
7:54 AM
Moi Sanom
7:54 AM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

Worst Movie of 2009
New in Town
Directed by Jonas Elmer
Starring: Renée Zellweger, Harry Connick, Jr.
This film is not only the worst movie I watched in 2009, but most likely one of the worst movies Ihave watched so far.
It´s not that New in Town is as horrible as you would probably now imagine, but it really depends on what you compare it with.
So for a new film with established actors it is pretty bad.
Honestly, it’s not even so bad it’s good again… Its just the type of bad you would regret paying Money for and wasting your time on,or if you would be watching it at home you would automatically start doing other stuff and be surprised when the credits are on.
I just hope this didn’t make you curious to watch it, unless you really need a cure for insomnia.
How to find the perfect HD film or how The Fall changed my visionary TV experience by Bethany Dirksen
10:35 AM
Moi Sanom
10:35 AM Moi Sanom 4 Comments

I don't know if anyone has noticed, but our beloved Entering 35th of May author is a pretty big fan of movies. And I think we could even pinpoint the type of movies she loves. Is the movie 1) done by Tim Burton, 2) starring Johnny Depp, or 3) artistically obscure (you know what I mean...has that indie feel or is filled with visual interest)? If any of these three components are present, I believe we have a winner! That is why I thought a particular movie is one that Moi, and possibly all of you, would enjoy.
Just after Christmas 2009, my husband somehow talked me into purchasing a 46" HD LCD television. This is somewhat comical because our sofa sits approximately 8 feet away from the TV, making it feel twice it's size. Once the beastly beauty was in place, we slowly added the perfect features to fully experience the HD goodness. It took us almost an entire year, however, to obtain a blu ray player. For those of you that don't know, blu rays are pretty much the HD version of DVD's. Once again, we tried to find the perfect way to experience this new device by searching for the best movies to watch on blu ray. That is when we came across The Fall.
The Fall is a perfectly told story of a young girl who's imagination runs wild as a new friend tells her vivid stories. The story line itself is extremely enjoyable, set in the 1920's at a hospital in Los Angeles. Our storyteller is a recently paralyzed movie stunt man. He tells his stories in order to befriend a little girl with a broken arm. While the plot is fantastic, the true magic is in the colorful scenery, design, and movement of the film. This leads to one of the only movies I consider to be cinematic genius. It's hard to really describe it in any other way than saying....it's awesome....and you all should watch it.
I truly cannot say there has been another time when our mammoth television has ever been more stunning than when we watched this movie. So, give your TV a gift. Watch The Fall.
This guest post was created and written by Bethany Dirksen.
If you want to read more check out her wonderful blog over at DirksenDabbles.com.
And don't forget to have a look at her original paintings in her Etsy store...

The shop where dreams come true...
11:00 AM
Moi Sanom
11:00 AM Moi Sanom 4 Comments
I’m currently in Berlin and enjoying the local cultural and artistic glories.
I found this amazing place I wanted to share with you. It’s called Fundus Verkauf and it is basically a place that sells old props and costumes from German film and theaters. The shop is located in a beautiful three story building from 1808, and as soon as you step in it’s just like entering Wonderland.
Honestly it is amazing.
The unique and wonderful items you can find in there are breathtaking, and the combination of the old interiors and all the furniture they are selling is magical. If I will ever have a permanent residence I will definitely decorate it with as much of the furniture you can find there.
It is just my thing.
Since pictures say more than words….
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Hello there! I was once known as Moi Sanom, someone who loved writing about movies and skincare.
After a long hiatus due to health issues, I find myself wanting to write about these things once again.
If you’re still here, welcome back!
I know that, just like me, there are others out there in the intangible world of the internet who still want to read long-form thoughts from fellow human beings.
So if you like reading as much as I like to write, I hope you enjoy your time here.
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- Why recycling is awesome and what is a MacGyver cr...
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- Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?
- How to find the perfect HD film or how The Fall ch...
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