Beautiful Blogger Award

I had the amazing honor of getting the Beautiful Blogger award by fellow Etsian artist Miss Bohemia. So thanks again to you and all of you readers out there. And here are the suggested rules to follow when receiving this award...
I would love for you to follow them too :)
* Thank and link to the person that gave you the award.
* Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.
* Contact said blogs and let them know they’ve won.
* State 7 things about yourself.
I have to admit finding 15 bloggers I like wasn't that easy, since I have just started to explore the blogging it did take me a little to collect them all but finally I have the list here. I hope you guys discover a new fantastic blog you'll enjoy from now on.
Miss Bohemia
Toni Din
Bethany Dirksen
House of mirth and movies
The Little Owl
Felt me up designs
Chatham girl
Something monumental
Nothing to prove
Cupcakes take the cake
Everything in between

by ikate
7 things about myself…
. I lead secret lives as random book characters I read at particular moments in time.
. I’m a nerd, but don’t tell anyone

by moestj
. I have imaginary friends that change depending on my state of mind.
.The things I love the most and couldn’t live without are books, music, food and art.
. I always cry at concerts when my favorite songs are playing…
.I’m a couch potato.
.I have a thing for old stuff and little things…

by anzya91