Music & Love

The passion that music brings out is a rare sight. People really go all out and do anything, simply for the love of music. With Valentines Day coming up I’m going to dedicate this episode to the love that we share for this thing we call music...
I could write a whole book about things I love about my girlfriend. But every time I think back to that day I met her, the love we shared for music really played an important role. Anybody that’s an aspiring musician knows the great satisfaction that only music can give you. Now, combining that love with the love for another person is a symbiosis of another kind! It doesn’t even have to be your significant other. It could be your best friend, a sibling or even a parent! Share the love...

Love could really be seen as the only true magic. It creates unique and almost unreal emotions that literally put people in spells that can only be broken by time. And what’s the creator of time and space? Well, what religious people refer to as God; The creator of all things through love!
Did you ever hear anybody say that they finally understand all those love songs after their first crush? Music has really established itself as the main ambassador of love. Tell me one musician that never touched on the subject. It would be a hard task. Music really acts many parts when it comes to love and relationships. The first song you heard with your partner becomes a reviver of your original feelings. In brake-ups you obviously have your songs by the hart broken. But it also acts as the creator of good feelings in general. Woodstock would have to be the perfect example of this. The songs came in all shapes and forms but at the end of the night, they all radiated the power of loving one another. Going against the main enemy, war!

The subject is actually too big to touch. I could without a doubt go on for days, but don’t worry, I won’t! Instead I’m going to let the vibe loose for anybody to grab a hold of and hopefully sharing it with the rest of us.
So until next Monday, find the love for yourself because it all starts with us...
Much appreciation to you & yours, peace!