Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?

1:02 PM Moi Sanom 0 Comments

5 to 7
Directed by Victor Levin
Starring: Anton Yelchin, Bérénice Marlohe, Olivia Thirlby, Lambert Wilson, Frank Langella, Glenn Close and Eric Stoltz

This movie caught me somewhat by surprise, and I have noticed all good romance/romantic comedies do. I simply have very low expectations from this type of film due to the over saturation of crappy examples of the genre on the market. So I chose this since it sounded entertaining enough and liking Anton Yelchin's work I thought it would be an entertaining background film. 
Well, it turns out I liked it more than expected. It was much sweeter than I would like to admit for the subject matter. It also is fantastical enough to satisfy my needs, yet surprisingly realistic and down to earth. 
It isn't the most unique or innovative film in the world but it certainly does not follow your top 5 most popular romantic comedy tropes. I saw myself laughing and sighing during the first half of the film, getting into the characters and the story line. Then it got sad and I actually didn't see it coming at all. Maybe it is because I am a hopeless romantic and refuse to get out of my head. Or maybe I was just going with the story instead of analysing what is or what might be happening. 
Either way I ended having some feelings at the end of the movie (something that is not as common as I would like). I don't really have any complaints besides that the music got a tad cheesy in the end. 
I recommend this film to anyone who would like to see a decent and sweet romantic film without all the cheese and the too many stereotypes.