Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?

The abominable Dr Phibes
Directed by Robert Fuest
Starring: Vincent Price, Joseph Cotten
Starring: Vincent Price, Joseph Cotten
From the first ten minutes of silence to ending on ”Over the rainbow” this film is an absolute must see!
It is kind of difficult to describe, but maybe mentioning some key elements would make it easier to picture.
The world of doctor Phibes is surrounded by incredibly beautiful and picturesque art deco sets, that take away the need of any interesting plot at all because you would be satisfied just watching the scenes. The main story line is about biblically inspired and very ingenious saw-esque murders, and we are talking about a film made in the 70s here. Vincent Prices acting is like so often delightful and fabulous and all of these so far mentioned oddities are surrounded by a very random but wonderful score.
The abominable Dr Phibes became an instant classic, and I’m convinced that it is a big inspiration for many a filmmaker and actor.
When I finished watching it I just thought I want to see some more!
Apparently people back in 1971 thought the same, because there is a sequel;, Dr Phibes rises again…