Holika Holika Wine Therapy Sleeping Mask review

1:48 PM Moi Sanom 4 Comments


Holika Holika Wine Therapy Sleeping Mask (120ml)
Red Wine: Anti wrinkle sleeping pack that makes your skin smooth and resilient with shape memory moisture membrane of red wine
After cleansing at night, balance your skin texture with toner. Spread a moderate amount and gently tap to absorb. Do not wipe off. Instead, rinse it off with water the following morning.

With my super duper dry and dehydrated skin, sleeping packs are a god send invention!
If you are now wondering “Sleeping packs? What is she even talking about? Backpacks when you sleep?” or anything along those lines, sleeping packs are a mixture of a night cream and a face mask!
They are very popular in Korean cosmetics and almost every brand has different types of them, suitable for every skin type and skin concern out there.
Some people use them 2-3 times a week, some like me, every night.
(The closest western product I found that works like a sleeping pack is Chanel's Sublimage Mask)

I am on a mission to find the perfect “Oh my god my face feels like cotton candy clouds!” sleeping pack.
And the first one to be reviewed here, but not the first I have tried, is Wine Therapy sleeping mask by Holika Holika.

Holika Holika Wine Therapy Sleeping Mask
Sample sachet
So you guys need to know that I only had one sample sachet of this, but it is pretty big and my face is small so I used it for 8 days every night!

The first thing I noticed is that there is a product description and ingredients list in English!
That is quite rare for Korean sample sachets so Yeyy for that.

The texture of this is so fun!
I know it's a weird way to describe a texture, but see for yourself:

Holika Holika Wine Therapy Sleeping Mask
It is kind of like jello, really bouncy and a little thick but when applied to the skin it becomes smooth and watery.
The smell is absolutely divine!
Well at least for me, it reminds me of the rare and coveted grape candy I used to be obsessed with as a kid but only found in Venezuela.
For those of you who are not familiar with Venezuelan candy, it smells like Grape soda.
It is not too strong though, even though I am very sensitive with smells, and it dissipates quickly.
Too quickly in my opinion!

Holika Holika Wine Therapy Sleeping Mask
See through and pinkish in color
The first night I told Johnny Clyde to smell my face when I applied it, but by the time he moved his skeletonic body over to me it was already gone!
(If anyone is interested, the next night I jabbed my face into his nose as soon as I applied this, it resulted in some minor injury but he agreed that it smelled great!)

When applied, it sinks into my skin within 5 minutes.
But again take in account that my skin sucks up anything within no time!
My friend ,who has combination skin, has reported that it was too sticky for her, might be that she used to much or that her skin couldn’t absorb it completely.
Edit: My friend just told me she applied the whole sample sachet to her face, so now it really makes sense why it was sticky and didn't absorb! (Don't I have the cutest friends!)

Holika Holika Wine Therapy Sleeping Mask swatch
Rubbed in a little on the left and rubbed in completely on the right
As for results it is no miracle product unfortunately.
It makes my face smoother and bouncier, but I need something more hard core than this to actually wake up with baby butt soft skin in the morning.
My skin is less scaly than normal and it is a joy to apply, so I believe people with normal or only slightly dry/dehydrated skin would enjoy this.
If you have extremely dry skin though and are looking for something that gives you visible results than this is not for you.

I would probably pick this up if I found it on sale and it was super cheap but otherwise I will continue my quest for the perfect sleeping pack.

PH: 4.5
Ingredients: here

Rating: 1.Blegh  2. Pff  3. Meh  4. Oohh  5. Awwyeah 6. Wooha

Available on Ebay
Available at Koreadepart
Red Wine: Anti wrinkle sleeping pack that makes your skin smooth and resilient with shape memory moisture membrane of red wine
White Wine:  Whitening sleeping pack that makes your skin moist and bright with water drop moisture membrane of white wine
SIZE:  120ml
After cleansing at night, balance your skin texture with toner. Spread a moderate amount and gently tap to absorb. Do not wipe off. Instead, rinse it off with water the following morning.
- See more at: http://www.holikaholika.ca/products/cleansing/wine-therapy-sleeping-mask/#sthash.ED4NSw6k.dpuf
Wine Therapy Sleeping Mask 120ml