Beijin Make-up brushes vs Departmentstore brushes and Giveway!

1:04 PM Moi Sanom 104 Comments

As I already mentioned here I had some troubles with my post lately.
The good news about that though is that I received two packages from Bornprettystore.

Today I would like to announce a 35th of May and Born pretty store collaboration Giveaway.
But before I tell you about all the wonderful prices, I wanted to review one of the items that are in the goodie bag.

The reason I ordered a brush set is that even though I own brushes I am not really satisfied with them. I have been using a Mac brush set for the past few years that I really don’t like since they shed like crazy.
Recently I received a Stila brush set  (thank you Stila!) which is much better but not the bees knees to be honest.
My favorite brush I own is actually a no name powder brush that I ordered from Ebay over a year ago.
And when Born pretty store asked me to choose some items to review I didn't hesitate on ordering a brush set hoping it would be as nice as my powder brush.

Beijin Make-up brushes

Since telling you how good these brushes doesn’t really show the quality of the product I thought to compare them with the department store brushes I already owned.
I looked for the 3 most similar brushes I had and decided on Mac 239SE and Stila number 7.
All three brushes are of a similar size and shape, I decided to try them on 2 different eye shadows. One from Stila and one from Mac.
You would assume that the brand would make the brushes according to the product they sell but it really doesn't seem so.

Beijin Make-up brushes comparison
Stila, Mac and Bejin
The Mac eye shadow is very hard and it is difficult to pick up a lot of colors with any brush, but surprisingly not only did the Mac brush perform the worst but the no name brush actually did the best!
The Stila eye shadow was easier to use, but too powdery in my opinion, with this shadow the cheaper brush performed excellent once again with a tie between Mac and Stila brushes.

Beijin Make-up brushes comparison

Now I have to say I am impressed!

Of course both Mac and Stila are natural brushes (Goat and Pony bristles) and the Beijin brushes are synthetic but I dont really care what my brushes are made of as long as they perform well!
The Beijin brushes are synthetic brushes that are very soft and don’t seem to shed.
They pick up products very well and the application is smooth.
Even though the application doesn’t look flawless in the swatch photo they do apply very well on the eye lids.

Beijin Make-up brushes
Bejin brushes swatching Stila eyeshadow
Keep in mind that I was working without a primer with a not so ideal eye shadow.
I used the brushes in order, the widest being swatch ones the angled brush being swatched second both horizontally and vertically, and the thinner liner brush being swatched last both ways as well.

Beijin Make-up brushes

I am really happy with them though!
They are easy to use and easy to clean.
Applying eye shadow with them is a breeze and they have quickly become my favorite shadow and eyeliner brushes!

Rating: 1.Blegh  2. Pff  3. Meh  4. Oohh  5. Awwyeah 6. Wooha

Available at Bornprettystore

Now onto the Giveaway!

Bornprettystore Giveaway

You can win these wonderful brushes, a magical Burgundy Lipstick (reviewed here) and a super adorable Black cat shaped eyeliner from Born pretty store.
On top of that there are two items from the 35th of May store as well.
An adorable little Ice cream ring and Bread in a basket created by hand.

The giveaway is open internationally to all living creatures.

a Rafflecopter giveaway 
 So good luck everyone and remember if you don’t win this time you might win the next!

35th of May Giveaway banner
Illustration by Misschlei and Design by Issa
Here is the Giveaway Banner, you can resize it to fit on your Blog.
Thank you all again for your support!

Disclaimer: This product was send to me by Bornprettystore. This does not alter my opinions and I will continue to review with all honesty. I receive no compensation for the reviews. For more information read my Disclaimer page.