Which movie am I gonna watch tonight?

2:30 PM Moi Sanom 1 Comments

only lovers left alive poster

Only Lovers Left Alive
Directed by Jim Jarmusch
starring Tom Hiddleston, Tilda Swinton, Mia Wasikowska, John Hurt, Anton Yelchin, Jeffrey Wright

Tom Hiddleston-Tilda Swinton
The most gorgeous and sweet couple!
 I love vampire movies!
One could even say I have a slight obsession with vampire movies.
Yes i do want to have seen every vampire movie ever made one day...
But most vampire movies have a lot in common, one of the films that stand out to me are films like Thirst and The Hunger. But even those two are kind of exploitative.
I mean Vampires are usually fangy blood thirsty creatures, that do get sooner or later a little campy in their need for blood.


Even the beautiful and sophisticated types like in Coppolas Dracula or Interview with a Vampire get a little blood crazy and violent at times. I am not saying any of these attributes are bad things, I really do love all the films mentioned above.

But there comes Jim Jarmusch, a director I have been a fan of for years and makes a Vampire movie.
And of course he somehow manages to make a beautiful, slow, intimate and sophisticated version of the Vampire film, a type I haven’t seen before.
The film was quite reminiscent of Anne Rices Vampire chronicles to me. The characters were educated in arts, threw in little tidbits of history and cared for antiques.

"That coat must be at least a century old"
The cast is great, the sets and costumes are gorgeous, the dialogue is oh so slightly poetic, and the plot is entrancing without falling into the exploitative or seizure inducing kind.
I really really loved this film, and there is too many little points I enjoyed to write them all down.
To me it is an instant classic that I know I will watch many more times.
A great film for everyone who loves some charming characters and some gorgeous images, even if you aren’t into Vampire films
Oh and by the way, the music is fantastic!

Mmmhhh Bloodsickle