Tonymoly Kiss lover live tint in Vampire red review
Tonymoly Kiss lover live tint in #4 Vampire red (9gr)
As some of you may know I have an obsession with all things in the beautiful shade range of blood.
The moment I found out of the existence of Korean lip tints in the Burgundy color range, I knew that I was going to have to buy them all until I find the ultimate Bloody lip tint.
Today I will be reviewing a tint by Tony Moly, who already makes my favorite lip tints, so expectations were high!
This is Mina, her Lovers blood is the main ingredient of the tint, hence the name. |
Yep, even that! |
It comes wrapped with a sticker on it. |
I wear my tints in one or more layers.
upper left: one layer, upper right: blotted lower left: 2 layers, lower right: 3 layers |
Sometimes I blot in between layers, sometimes I don’t.
It is important to wait until the tint is dry before you touch it, otherwise it will smudge.
But as soon as the tint is dry, it will stay put!
It won’t transfer, if it does blot once, and you can even apply lip balm over it!
It has a standard doe foot applicator and it is easy to apply precisely |
And it smells like cherries!
It is the most gorgeous shade of deep bloody red.
It must be one of the nicest shades I have seen yet!
The tint is super pigmented and last for a very long time, just like other Tony Moly tints.
When it does fade, it fades evenly and just gets lighter all over your lip.
I am so obsessed with this tint, and if you like deeper shades of red this is certainly a must have!
With a full face of make up |
Outfit pictures have been requested, so here is the one I wore that day.
Vintage German traditional skirt, 30s Blouse, vintage socks and modern Shoes |
Ingredients: I couldn't find the ingredients, so if you know them please let me know.
Rating: This tint is the bees knees so Wooha all the way!
1.Blegh 2. Pff 3. Meh 4. Oohh 5. Awwyeah 6. Wooha
Purchased at Beautynetkorea
Available on Ebay