Which movie am I gonna watch tonight

2:29 PM Moi Sanom 0 Comments


A Fantastic Fear of Everything
written and directed by Crispian Mills
starring: Simon Pegg, Clare Higgins, Amara Karan, Paul Freeman


I had high hopes for this film!
Judging by the poster, the title and the actors, I thought that this must be somehow amazing.
And I wasn’t wrong!
I select my films by the above mentioned criteria, including directors,writers and personal recommendations, since I don’t read synopses or watch trailers.
I guess that explains a little bit how I review the films I watch.
I try to tell you nothing, since nothing is what I want to know going into a new movie.


Anywho, this film is absolutely gorgeous! I am not going to lie, there is this forest wallpaper in the film which I squealed over for 5 minutes each time it appeared.
Yes I love wallpaper!

Besides being a gorgeous film the plot is very interesting too!
It grabbed me in the first 3 minutes of watching it, well ok in the title sequence even!
I do love narrated films anyways and that together with the design made for a very grabbing few minutes. Of course it doesn’t stop there, it is funny and interesting, and surprisingly not predictable.
I mean what more does one want of a film?
I really loved it and it is such a shame how overlooked it is.
This is a hidden gem of a film that I think is a must see for everyone

And here I leave you with a little story animation from the film: